Membership Rules
There are four categories of membership: Regular, Associate, Supporting and Honorary.
1. Membership will be offered to certified Immunologists and non-immunologists actively engaged intraining and research in immunology.
2. Regular members shall be eligible to hold office in the Society and may vote for the election of officersand on all matters brought before the general assembly.
3. Admission to regular membership shall be gained by the submission of a membership application asdetermined by the Council and sponsored by two members of the Society.
4. The parameters of scientific, professional and ethical qualifications of the applicant for membership willbe determined from time to time by the Council.
5. Minimum qualification required is certified training in immunology (FCPS, MRCPath, MD, PhD, M.Phil,Masters, or equivalent) and teaching faculty in immunology.
6. A regular member should have at least two scientific publications in Immunology in a refereed indexedjournal.
7. Following approval by the membership committee, the application for membership will be brought beforethe Council. Award of regular membership will be by two-third vote of the available Council members.
1. Candidates for Associate Membership will have a distinguished record in any field of medicine or basicsciences with proven interest in Immunology.
2. Fellow-in training in Immunology will also be eligible for associate membership and will be entitled toregular (full) membership on acquiring fellowship.
3. Following approval by the membership committee, the application for membership will be brought beforethe Council. Award of associate membership will be by two-third vote of the available Council members.
4. Associate members are not eligible to vote or to hold office.
1. Individuals, institutions or organizations offering substantial financial support to the Society shall beeligible to become supporting members.
2. Supporting members will not have the right to vote or hold an office.
1. Membership will be only by invitation to individuals with outstanding performance in any field ofmedicine, science or other fields where the two-third majority of the council members agrees to theaward of honorary membership.
2. Membership fee will be exempted for honorary members.
Fee will be charged annually (January to December) in Pak Rupees and becomes due in December for the next calendar year. Rates applied are according to the category of membership requested.
Regular Members Rs. 2,000
Associate Members Rs. 700
Life Members Rs. 7,000*
Supporting members Rs. 100,000*
* Life members pay only once
Membership shall be considered forfeited if dues are not paid for two consecutive years.